The English language has grown and changed over time and an example for that is the differences between the American and British English. When people think about the differences between British and American English, the first thing they think about is the accent which is the most noticeable difference. But besides accents, there are many other differences between the two. The Brits introduced the language to the Americas when they first arrived between the 16th and 17th centuries. At that time, spelling had not yet been standardised, and it took the writing of the first dictionaries to set the standard of spellings which is now somewhat different between American and British English. Some spelling differences are: British English ence (defence, offence, licence) compared to American English -ense (defense, offense, license). British English -ell- (cancelled. Jeweller, marvellous) compared to American English -el- (canceled, jeweler, marvelous) The Americans and the Brits ha...